Common electrical faults and their causes

Fault shutdowns caused by external components of the controller can be eliminated by checking THIS FAULT or HISTORY FAULT as follows:

Common electrical faults and their causes

Air Exhaust Temperature too high Bad vent condition, Oil lacking etc. Check the vent condition and lubricant amount etc.
Temperature Sensor Failure Cable off or PT1OO damaged Checking the wiring and PT100
Over Pressure The pressure too high or the pressure sensor failure Check the pressure and the pressure sensor
Pressure Sensor Failure Cable off, Sensor damaged or the cable connected reversed Check the wiring and sensor transformer
Water Lacking Water Pressure switch damaged Check the water pressure switch
Phase Lacking Power phase lacking or the Contactor terminal damaged Check the power and contactors
Overloaded Voltage too low, tubes blocked, Bearing Wear off or other mechanical failure or wrong set data etc. Check the set data, Voltage, bearings, tubes and other mechanical systems.
Unbalance Power unbalance, Contactor damaged or the internal open of the motor Check the power, contactors and the motor
Rotor Lock Voltage too low, tubes blocked, Bearing Wear off or other mechanical failure or wrong set data etc. Check the set data, Voltage, bearings, tubes and other mechanical systems.
Short Circuit Wrong Wiring, Incorrect Data setting etc. Checking the wiring and set the data correctly
Wrong Phase Sequence Reversed Phase sequence or phase off Check the wiring
Fan stopped Fan damaged, Contactor damaged, no control output Check the wiring and control output
Overload or Rotor locking during starting process Host start time set to a value less than the star angel time delay Reset the host starting time to be longer than star angel delay + Load delay time
The main Contactor activate time to time The emergency button loose Check the wiring

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